Mad Hatter’s Tea & King’s Coronation

Beechgrove Care Home took part in the Dementia UK Mad Hatter’s Tea. Our Residents and staff got together and arranged a Tea afternoon to raise money for Dementia UK.
Residents enjoyed making hats and decorating our main reception with Mad Hatter’s theme and everyone enjoyed getting together on Wednesday 3rd of May for Dementia Awareness Week. Families and friends joined and we all had an afternoon tea with cakes and sandwiches.

Residents and staff were delighted to celebrate the King's coronation and everyone loved decorating our main reception for our party. We had photos of the king throughout his years which we displayed on our main widow for residents and visitors to see.

Residents started the celebrations on Friday 5th May by attending the coronation concert at Lanark Memorial Hall which was a variety show with many different acts and residents enjoyed being entertained.

On Saturday 6th May, we all enjoyed watching the king's crowning followed by an afternoon party with music, tea and cake. Residents' families and friends attended and everyone had a wonderful time.
For more information about Beechgrove and the outings and activities our residents enjoy, please get in touch to book a tour or download a brochure.